It's been more than nine years since the events that led to the removal of Preacher YM Yang from the True Jesus Church.
I hear that a lot of people have read my point-by-point rebuttals to the accusations against him. I'm gratified to know that my writing helped provide important context to many people. I'm sad that as far as I can tell, none of my writing seems to have made any difference to intransigence of our church's "deep state", but I am gratified to see that on the grassroots level individual members are still serving God with love.
It's funny how things work out. After being excommunicated (I still cringe even writing those words), Preacher Yang continued to minister to the church in Paris and continued to travel, preach the word, and bring souls to Christ. If you're interested, you can still read and listen to his messages here. In many ways, his reach and his impact to the kingdom of God became even stronger because of what happened. Praise God.
And yet, I cannot help but feel a profound sense of sorrow at what this incident has done to the church. I look at the church today. Yes, the church still keeps Sabbath services going week to week like clockwork. Yes, the church is filled with brothers and sisters who love God and who work for him with zeal.
But there's something missing. And it wasn't until recently that I realized what it was.
Counting the Cost
What happened didn't just punish Preacher Yang. It amputated an entire part of our church's body. I've talked personally with many members who no longer attend church, not because they have lost faith in God, but because of what humans within the church did to offend their core values and their understanding of certain teachings of the Bible.
Among these members were some of the most fervent and gifted church workers I know. Members who worked magic with General Affairs. Members who could deliver powerful sermons. Members who were gifted at teaching kids. Members who had profound gifts of counseling that could be used to help members hurting and in pain, especially our children who need more spiritual mentors. Members who to this day volunteer for the poor and raise money for charities.
Some of those members, including the beloved brother I wrote about in my last post, are gone now. Many of them will not be around much longer. At a time when the church is desperate for workers, these members could have brought so much to the church.
And they're all gone. And for what? Because an elder many years ago got his feelings hurt by a preacher?
What cost has this "feud" brought to this church?
What Our Early Church Said About Unity in the Body of Christ
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Cover of the True Jesus Church's 30th Anniversary Book |
Today, our church has what we call the Ten Basic Beliefs. We can all recite them—One True God, The Bible, Church, Water Baptism, Holy Spirit, Foot Washing, Holy Communion, Sabbath, Salvation, and Second Coming.
I don't know when it changed or who changed it, but there was a time when the church held what they called the Twelve Standards. Within the Twelve Standards were what we now know of today as the Ten Basic Beliefs. But for some reason, the Twelfth Standard was removed.
Our early church workers were very clear at how critical is was to include the Twelfth Standard in our Basic Beliefs, and their wisdom and foresight is stunning given what happened.
But enough from me. Here are their own words: the translated English version, followed by the original Chinese version.
Words from Our Early Church Workers
12. "Firmly believe in the names of the twelve apostles and the names of the twelve tribes as the path and foundation for individual salvation. Avoid mutual disdain, jealousy, and disputes to strengthen the organization of our church."
Including this principle in our common doctrines is crucial. When discussing organization and unity, neglecting this fundamental principle could lead to gradual disintegration.
A true church must have strong unity to possess strong power. Following the path of division could cause significant stumbling blocks for others. What did the Lord say? "Woe to the one through whom the stumbling block comes." This sin is greater than any other! When the Lord Jesus was about to depart from this world, He fervently prayed for the unity of the holy church (John 17).
The scripture says, "Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace." From a human perspective, we must "make every effort." From God's perspective, it is "the unity of the Spirit." This unity should not be violated (Ephesians 4:1).
The main reasons for lack of cooperation are generally:
- Focusing on others' faults and lacking self-reflection.
- Pride and arrogance, lacking humility.
- Being led astray or pressured by circumstances, lacking understanding.
If anyone suffers from these issues, they should reflect on the twelve apostles and the twelve patriarchs. While each had their strengths, they also had their shortcomings. However, the scripture says, "The foundation of the city walls had the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb." "On the gates were written the names of the twelve tribes of Israel." They were not only saved but also became the foundation for others' salvation. Among today's saints, there should be no mutual disdain. Instead, we should be united in peace and bear with one another in love.
It is so important to bear with one another in love. Why does the Bible mention their names? Because their names carry significant meanings.
The Twelve Tribes on the Gates of the Holy City and the Meaning of Their Names:
East Side – Three Gates:
- Joseph: Means "to add." Represents those who are willing to help others.
- Manasseh: Means "to forget hardship." Represents those who strive to move forward.
- Benjamin: Means "son of the right hand." Represents those who act according to God's will.
North Side – Three Gates:
- Judah: Means "praise." Represents those who love to sing hymns of praise.
- Levi: Means "joined." Represents those who love fellowship and unity.
- Reuben: Means "see a son." Represents those who acknowledge God's children.
South Side – Three Gates:
- Simeon: Means "heard." Represents those who listen to the Word.
- Issachar: Means "reward." Represents those who seek true knowledge, not vanity.
- Zebulun: Means "dwelling." Represents those who are with the Lord.
West Side – Three Gates:
- Gad: Means "fortune." Represents those who do not overlook God's grace.
- Asher: Means "happy." Represents those who are blessed.
- Naphtali: Means "wrestling." Represents those who are not afraid of evil forces.
The three gates on the east side are from Rachel, and the three gates on the north and south sides are from Leah. The three gates on the west side are from Bilhah and Zilpah. The arrangement and names of the gates have profound meanings. (See Revelation 21:12-13)
The Twelve Apostles on the Foundations of the Holy City and the Meaning of Their Names:
Peter: Means "rock." Represents steadfastness.
James: Means "supplanter." Represents those who never leave the Lord.
John: Means "grace." Represents those who receive true love.
Andrew: Means "manly." Represents those who are strong in faith.
Philip: Means "lover of horses." Represents those who are eager to spread the gospel.
Bartholomew: Means "son of Talmai." Represents those who are pure in heart.
Thomas: Means "twin." Represents those who are committed.
Matthew: Means "gift of God." Represents those who are given to serving God.
James (son of Alphaeus): Means "supplanter." Represents humility.
Thaddaeus: Means "heart." Represents those who are compassionate.
Simon the Zealot: Means "listener." Represents those who are zealous.
Judas (son of James): Means "praise." Represents those who are faithful.
These names and their meanings are deeply significant, symbolizing the virtues and qualities that are essential for building up the church and fostering unity among believers.
In Christ, if someone possesses a virtue, it not only ensures their salvation but also enables them to lead others to the gate of salvation. If a saint has a gift, it can become the foundation of the church. The prosperity of the church is built upon the collective virtues of the saints. One should not think too highly of oneself but should always consider others better. Seek the well-being of others, make them happy, and bear each other's burdens with perfect love. Saints should always examine themselves to see how they stand in their virtues.
Do not overlook those who possess different gifts from you. We are co-workers with the Lord Jesus. The building of the heavenly city depends on us supplying the materials from the earth. If we do not supply enough, the construction of the holy city is delayed, and it cannot come to receive us. The gates and foundations are made of people, and the walls are also built with people. As it is written: "To them I will give within my temple and its walls a memorial and a name better than that of sons and daughters; I will give them an everlasting name that will endure forever" (Isaiah 56:5). We hope all saints align with the standards of the names of the twelve apostles and twelve tribes, swiftly fulfilling their individual missions, and building up one another in love, so that God the Father may be greatly glorified through us. Amen. (Ephesians 4:16, Psalm 122:3, John 15:8)
Original Chinese Version
(note that there may be individual words that are off due to the quality of the scan, but most of this is accurate)
十二、「眞信十二使徒的名字,與十二支派的名字,爲會友個別得救的門路與根基。不可彼此有輕視,嫉妒,紛爭之觀念,以堅强本會組織 」°o
- 愛看別人的毛病。!!缺少自責。
- 愚而自以爲飛。妄自尊大。卜!缺少恩惠
- 受了引誘。或是被環境邁迫。I!缺少認識。
爲甚 聖經上。說到他們的名字呢?因爲他們的名字都是有很好意義的。
- 約瑟!是加添的意思。樂意幫助人的人
- 瑪拿西 — 是忘記一切患離的意思。努力前進的人。
- 便隴閡!l是右手之子的意思。有按手恩赐的人。乙、北逵 j三門
- 掄大1 — 是讚美的意思。愛唱詩讚美的人
- 利米l!是聯合的意思。愛聯絡人的人。
- 流便!~是见子的意思。承認為神子的人
丙、南邊有三門 - 西緬—-是聽見的意思。會聽道的人。
- 以薩加l!是價值的意思。不渗虛浮的人外
- 西佈倫——是同伴的意思。與主同在的人
丁、西邊有三門 - 迦得——是萬幸的意思。不辜負神恩的人
- !是有的意思。不愛世界的人。
- 拿弗他利—!是戰的意思。不怕惡勢力的人
結四十八31-35 不過但開在彩U路捲冷聖城上是該沒有了。應改爲瑪拿西門(參啓七518)
2 十二一使徒在聖城根基的地位及共名字之意義
1 彼得」!是盤右的意思。股固有脹。
2 雅各!!是抓住的意思。永不離主
5. 安得烈11是刚强的意思。站立得。
6. 腓力 —是愛馬的意思。愛惜傳道人
7. 馬太」!是禮物的意思。廣傳眞道
8. 達 太」是智慧的意思。以智爲寶。
9. 雅 各—是抓住的意思。守道不澈。
10. 多 馬」【是雙生的意思。多結善果。
11. 西門1!是著名的意思。不作平淡信徒
12. 巴多羅賞!!是多羅買之子的意思。是神的兒子。
我們是與主耶話同工的,融在天上 造聖城,都得靠我們給融從地上運送材料,我們得的人不够,所以融在天上的聖城也一時建造不好。建造設好,就不能來接我們。因爲城門和根既然都是人排的,城牆也必是用人堆成的。正如經上說:「我必使他們在我段中,在我牆內,有紀念,冇名號,比有兒女的更美,我必他們永選的名,不說剪除」
(賽五六5.) 但盼望一切聖民都合乎十二使徒與十二支派名字的準繩,連速完成個人的使命,彼此「聯絡得整齊,建造的堅固」,叫父神因我們大得榮耀阿們。(摩七7詩百廿二3約小五8)
Final Thoughts
- Focusing on others' faults and lacking self-reflection.
- Pride and arrogance, lacking humility.
- Being led astray or pressured by circumstances, lacking understanding.
Nine Years Later, Do I Believe that Y.M. Yang was Guilty of "Heresy"?
If anyone can find an example of him saying this, let me know, and I will personally call him directly in Paris and challenge him.
Is it a failure of brothers and sisters—perhaps—whose understanding of the doctrine of the Holy Spirit is limited to 24 words in the "Our Basic Beliefs" pamphlet?
Is it a failure of brothers and sisters who, any time a question comes their way, tells whoever is asking the question to "Go See the Pastor" because they've been trained not to have an independent thought on their own.
Ironically, this is all related to what our early church workers called "The Eleventh Standard", another teaching that for some reason was removed from our Basic Beliefs (and, probably not coincidentally, another area where our church has grown weak).
"Firmly Believe in the Eleven Spiritual Gifts as the Driving Force for the Revival of the Church, Without Relying on Other Methods to Prosper Our Church." (十一、「黃信十一樣靈恩,為振興教會的動力,不用其他方法興旺本會」。
No longer will they teach their neighbor, or say to one another, ‘Know the LORD,’ because they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest,” declares the LORD. “For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more.”
Jeremiah wasn't talking about the heavenly kingdom here. He was talking about life here on earth after the coming of the Messiah. The church shouldn't be a place where a few people experience God and teach others. It should be a place where everyone knows God, and where everyone—from the least to the greatest—can learn from everyone else.