Sunday, June 21, 2015

Why the True Jesus Church is Wrong About YM Yang

This is a post written to the members of the True Jesus Church. If you're not a member of the church, you can move on, as a lot of what I write here probably won't make too much sense to you. But if you are a member of this church, I just wanted to share some reflections on a recent event in the church.

The great pastor and theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer once said something that all Christians should have imprinted on their heart.

Silence in the face of evil is itself evil. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.

It took me a very long time to write this post but in light of recent events I couldn't stay silent anymore. I'll start off by saying this post is my opinion and mine alone. Please don't bother my family or my friends. If you have something to say, say it to me. 

I write today to talk about a brother in Christ, Preacher Yuh-Ming Yang. 

I think 98% of the English speaking members of the church probably don't know who Preacher Yang is. He's a full-time minister based in Paris, France. He had been to the US a handful of times but I doubt that most members here have ever met him. And so if you've seen recent edicts coming down from the IA "warning" you of a rogue preacher whom you need to stay away from, you probably just shrugged your shoulders and went on with life.

As for me, I did get to know Preacher Yang and his family over the years. As a child, I got the opportunity to hear his father preach a few times. His older brother was the resident minister in the church I grew up in in New Jersey and had a profound positive impact on my life growing up. And over the years I got to know him personally. I first met him when he visited our church a few times to give Bible seminars and when I went to Paris as a college student. And later when I worked for the church I got to know him a little more. Sadly, the language barrier between us never allowed us to communicate more than a few sentences at a time, but still I felt a bond. I found myself moved by his sermons, touched by his overseas ministry and charity work, and just enjoying his conversation and humor.

Some of you might have seen the announcements from the IA that Preacher Yang has been excommunicated from the church.

This news must have perplexed a lot of people, but in truth I was not perplexed at all. And it's because I've known something for many years. Our church is sick. She's been sick for a very long time and it's getting worse.

I'll preface by saying that I'm not talking about our church members. Not at all. I believe with all my heart--because I've seen and experienced it for myself--that this church is blessed to have members who have received the promised Holy Spirit, and many brothers and sisters do live by the Spirit. Through my life, I have been blessed to know many, many brothers and sisters truly living as reflections of Christ. At the grassroots level you can still see love and joy and simple faith.

But the "higher up" you go in the church organization, the more you see the signs of the disease.

My first taste of it was when I was elected to the church board in Elizabeth. I was part of the NCC that voted to allow ministers to serve as "permanent" members of the church board. In my idealistic youth I thought to myself, ministers are filled with the Holy Spirit, so wouldn't it make sense for them to serve as permanent members of the church board? So did the majority of delegates to the NCC who voted for this.

But once that rule was instituted, I instantly saw a change. It seemed that during almost every board meeting, some of the ministers who were "permanent members" would dominate the meeting and at times would even get into contentious arguments with one another. I started to realize that these were humans, with human pride, human egos, and human agendas. And the most dangerous part of it is, they didn't even realize it--all the time they were exhibiting behavior that was anything but Christ-like, they felt that they were speaking and acting on behalf of the Lord Himself. And they were there for life. 

But I really got to experience it after I got laid off from my job in August 2001. There was a job opening in the USGA and the IA for someone to manage the church's Web site. I'd been working on Web sites literally since the Web was invented and had gotten pretty good at it. I had a heart to serve God, and everything just seemed to make sense that this was to be the next stage of my life.

Again, I should preface by saying that I had some really, really positive experiences in my years working for the church. The National Youth Literary Seminars that I helped run during those years gave me memories and experiences I'll cherish my whole life. And being able to travel with the IA to meet our loving brothers and sisters in South Korea, Malaysia, and Taiwan was the experience of a lifetime that I wouldn't trade for anything.
But despite the positive experiences during my employment with the GA and IA, one verse kept popping into my head over and over.

And moreover I saw under the sun the place of judgment, that wickedness was there; and the place of righteousness, that iniquity was there.

There were certain little instances I remember. My then-boss in the GA was one of the kindest, gentlest men I have known. But there was one meeting I recall clearly. A deacon of the church stood up in front of everyone and wagged his finger at him and started berating him harshly to the point where he, a grown man in his 50's, literally started to cry openly. My heart broke when I saw this, but what made it break even more was when I looked around the room and saw every other person in the room filled with ministers and elders and other "men of God" looking down in silence and saying nothing while this injustice was happening.

Inside my heart, I remember looking at the downturned heads one by one and asking myself, "why isn't anyone saying anything?" Perhaps more than any incident during my years with the IA, this is the one that left the biggest impression on me. 

I remember another incident, and this one was among my peer group. I was in charge of building a new Web site for the church, and I had a small team of people reporting to me. There was a dear friend I'd known since childhood who is one of the most brilliant people I know, and we both grew up in the church together. He had stopped attending church regularly, but I knew that he still had a heart to serve God. And so I called him and asked if he could help, and he enthusiastically said yes. At great personal expense and sacrifice, he donated his time, his energy, and even the time of his own employees' time to single-handedly put together a UX and strategy for the site, something he'd done for some of the world's biggest companies.

I don't know if it was out of jealousy or ignorance or both, but one of the members of my own team actually came up to me and said...uh, Steve, you know that he doesn't come to church, right? And I got similar "warnings" from others in the GA against working with him.  I was speechless. Here, we have a young brother who loves Christ, who had a heart to serve God, who was literally one of the most talented people in the world, who was freely donating the talents that God gave him. And yet, here was a group of people who just sat in judgement and condemnation of him, refusing to allow him to use his talents for the church simply because he didn't fall into the mold of what everyone in church felt "good church brother" should be.

The final straw for me came a year or two later when I was let go from the job. I'd pretty much been deemed a failure. Now before I sound like a martyr here, I'll just say that objectively speaking I probably could have done a much better job and they were probably right to let me go. But the way it was done was completely spitting in my eye.  I manage people today, and I know the right thing to do when I see an employee underperforming is to first sit down with them, try to understand the issues they're going through, tell them constructively how they can improve, and provide them the resources, encouragement, and guidance they need to succeed. After all that if they still don't perform, that's when you let them go gently.

How did it happen with me? Months went by with no one saying anything to me. Then suddenly they informed me that my job was given to someone else. Making matters worse, I heard later how it went down. It was like Nixon's Saturday Night Massacre. Behind my back they approached another brother and told him they wanted him to take my job. To this brother's credit, he refused. Then, they went to another brother, who at the time happened to be a dear friend of mine. And this brother took my job, without him or anyone else even talking with me about it. Me? I saw it as an utter betrayal. And our relationship has never been the same since. I've worked in lots of cutthroat, backstabbing corporations before then and since, and yet this still takes the cake for the most unprofessional thing I've ever witnessed.

I don't recount these stories so you can throw a pity party for me. And to be honest, none of these trivial incidents really represent any kind of "smoking gun" pointing to some kind of endemic corruption in the church. But I do recount them to make a point. The IA and the GA are flawed. They are fallible. They can be wrong.

The irony is, I can't point to any individual minister in the IA or GA and say that they're "evil". Quite to the contrary, I know most of them personally and they have never been anything but kind and gentle and loving. But for some reason, when they get into a group, something goes horribly wrong.

And the most recent and most egregious case of something going horribly wrong was the IA's recent actions towards YM Yang.

As I said it was during my work at the IA, and my accompanying the ministers on some of their travels, that I got to know Preacher YM Yang.

The first time I heard Preacher Yang speak it was like a breath of fresh air. Mind you, he doesn't speak English, living in Paris he only speaks French and Chinese. And yet from the 50-70% of his Chinese I could understand and the 10-20% of his French I can understand I found his sermons to be phenomenal. They did one thing that no other sermon did. They made me think.

I'll be the first to say it. 95% of the sermons given in our church are absolutely painful to sit through. There are only a handful of sermons in the last 30 years I have not fallen sound asleep during. I used to think the reason was that the sermons are in Chinese and translated into English so they're hard to follow in the first place. But I've come to realize that the bigger part of it is that many sermons just have no life in them. Many seem to regurgitate the same things over and over again. Sadly, this has continued for years but as long as these sermons continue to repeat the prevailing orthodoxy, they're deemed "good"--despite how few people they really reach.

With Preacher Yang's sermons, I felt life. There were some things he said that made my spirit within me jump with joy. There were some things he said that I didn't necessarily agree with, but even when that happened, it forced me to think and to explore more on my own. And something else I respected from him--when he would say something that was his own opinion, he would preface it by saying exactly that. "This is my own opinion, and I encourage you to come to your own conclusion".

More and more I sense that a lot of people in the church, and especially those in the leadership positions of the church, are scared to death of this notion that church members can think for themselves. No, they should be told what to think and how to think.

As one small example of this, in church we have "Bible Studies" where a group of people sit around in a circle, often with long, awkward periods of silence. Then, someone will pipe up "I once heard a pastor explain it this way in a sermon...". Then, more silence. Then someone else will pipe up "I heard another pastor explain it this way".

Members, it seems, have been conditioned over the years not to speak their own opinions, but rather to parrot a view that has been "approved". And if someone new dares raise an opinion that doesn't mesh with that view that person won't be openly condemned, but the glances and whispers will be enough to shut that person up from speaking again. What's insidious is that no one realizes what's happening. After the hour is up, the Bible Study leader breathes a sigh of relief that it's over and the whole charade continues the next week. And as long as it keeps going week after week, year after year, the church deems it as a success.

If I didn't know any better, I'd say that our church has, for quite some time now, been going down the path of the Catholic church, which ascribes "infallibility" to the Pope and ecumenical councils. Church ministers are expected to toe the company line and not express opinions if it falls outside of that line.

There is literally something called a "Truth Research Committee" where a small band of ministers get together, talk about tough questions that are raised by the churches, take a democratic vote, and that vote is deemed to be God's infallible truth. There have been several decisions from this "Truth Research Committee" that I've found literally laughable. One "ruling", I kid you not, was that according to the Bible, any time you say the word "Jesus", it must always be preceded by the word "Lord".  When I first saw this edict come down, I wondered to myself, does that mean we need to change the words of hymns to "Lord Jesus loves me this I know..." and "Lord Jesus, Lord Jesus, Lord Jesus, sweetest name I know"?

In fairness, dumb things like this are really an exception, and there have been a lot of insights from our church leadership that I have found reasonable and helpful. But again, this is just a note to say that too often "precepts of men" creep in and are preached as doctrine.

And here's the problem I have with the conceit that only a small group of old men are qualified to decide "what is truth". In John 16:13, Jesus said "when the Spirit of Truth comes, He will guide you into all the truth". He didn't add "if you're a full-time minister" or "if you're a duly elected member of a small group of old men". He directed this to every single man, woman, and child who has received the promised Holy Spirit. And if our church is one that believes we have the promised Holy Spirit, why is it that the church is so petrified of letting people share different opinions and letting the members discern for themselves? Such fear exposes one of two things--doubt that the members truly have the Spirit of truth in them, or utter faithlessness in the Spirit himself.

We often wonder why church membership is declining. For 40 years I've heard the same explanations. "It's not God's time yet for them". "They are just not willing to accept The Truth, but maybe their hearts will be softened". "All we can do is keep doing God's work." Notice something about all of these sentiments? All of them point the finger out, and not in. There is no introspection. Nobody inside the church is asking what we're doing wrong and could be doing better. Very few sermon leaders seem to be truly trying to figure out what the real needs of the people they're preaching to are, whether in terms of style or substance. And of those that do ask, very few seem to be able to go beyond preaching the same didactic repetitive platitudes.

For a church that speaks about "the truth", it's so rare to hear a sermon that go beyond the theoretical into something that meets practical needs. Heck, nobody even dares to suggest that maybe a 45 minute sermon is too danged long. If anyone dares say the sermons are boring, the finger is always pointed back at them. If only you were a little more "spiritual", you'd get a lot out of the sermons. If you fall asleep, well, there has to be something within you that's flawed. Repent and maybe you can appreciate next week's sermon.

Which brings me back to Preacher Yang.

Aside from being inspired by his sermons, I got to know him personally. I remember one incident in particular very clearly. It was an extremely trivial incident, and I doubt even he remembers it. But in a lot of ways it sums up exactly the kind of person he is.

In most parts of the world, our members kneel down when they pray. But in South Korea, for whatever reason the members remain seated on the pews to pray. I noticed this, and instinctively sat to pray. I noticed when it came time to pray, all the ministers and preachers in the IA knelt down at the front of the room. Some I sensed did so very deliberately.

After the prayer, Preacher Yang came up to me and smiled. "I noticed you were sitting in the pew to pray". I smiled back and responded in my broken Chinese, "When in Rome, do as the Romans do". He smiled back and patted me on the back. I could see right away that he "got it", even though he didn't say a word. He understood that I tried to show respect and love to my fellow Korean brothers and sisters by adapting to their custom rather than forcing my own upon them.  That I tried to avoid in my actions even the hint of "my way is the right way and your way is the wrong way".

He was the only one who noticed. I didn't get a chance to observe him while he was praying, but I wouldn't be surprised if he did the same thing. He seemed to be someone who could distinguish between "doctrine" and "precepts of men". Someone who didn't strain out gnats and swallow camels.

Over the years we haven't seen each other a lot, but when I do see him and his wonderful wife and son it's like seeing family. Even in our brief encounters over the years, I can always feel the love of Christ through him.

I've heard stories of how Preacher Yang regularly visits French-speaking churches in Africa and churches in communist China to minister to the members there who are in such desperate need and frankly have no one else who cares about them so deeply or can communicate to them on such a personal level. There are many, many stories I don't hear...about how he participates in prison ministry, about the countless souls he has helped bring to Christ.

So the news hit me like a freight train one day when I heard. The IA had excommunicated Preacher YM Yang from the True Jesus Church.

When I first heard this I was a little puzzled at how this could even happen. I thought that local churches had the authority to excommunicate members, not the IA. After all, the IA is, or at least should be, simply an organization that provides coordination to support and serve local churches, but it's the local church who ultimately decides who is and isn't a member of their church. Somehow it seems that the dynamic has flipped over the years. Suddenly, it seems that the IA sees themselves as the centralized "seat of power" that the local churches serve. Something is really wrong with that. It should be the IA serving the GA serving the local church serving Jesus Christ. Instead, it's the local church serving the GA serving the IA serving...well, you fill in the rest.

The IA and GA see themselves as the modern-day equivalents of the "apostles and elders" of the first century A.D. But I sometimes wonder if their behavior isn't more like the "popes and bishops" of the fourth century.

In the apostolic days, even when there were disagreements among the ministers, whether it was the split between Paul and Barnabas, the disagreements between Paul and Peter, or even the attacks on Paul by the "super-apostles", not once was there an attempt to banish a fellow worker for God. To the contrary, such action was usually left in God's hands. Gamaliel, a Pharisee, said "for if their purpose or activity is of human origin, it will fail. But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find yourselves fighting against God.” When Jesus' disciples tried to get people to stop casting out demons in his name, he didn't rebuke those who were doing work in his name, he rebuked those who couldn't see past their own envy and ignorance to see that these people were working for the glory of God, whether or not they were in his inner circle."For no one who does a miracle in my name can in the next moment say anything bad about me, for whoever is not against us is for us."

Something else that puzzled me is that excommunication rarely happens and is usually reserved for those who publicly and openly renounce Christ through egregious behavior--I'm talking things like unrepentant murder or adultery.

I tried to put the pieces together and came to the conclusion that there is something rotten going on.

The "official" reason that the IA gave for their action was that Preacher Yang "preaches heresy". That's a pretty serious charge, and so I dug into what understanding exactly what this "heresy" was.

It turns out that years ago, the IA itself had asked Preacher Yang to do some research on a question that has been a theological puzzle for millennia--what was the origin of Satan? Frankly, I'm perplexed at why the church is wasting its time asking unanswerable questions like this when there are people out there suffering and dying who need the basic gospel of love preached to them, there are Christians around the world who are being executed for their beliefs, and our own religious freedoms are also under assault here at home. Shouldn't the church be praying for guidance on how to address those things rather than studying the theological equivalent of "how many angels can fit on the head of a pin"? But whatever.

The story goes that Preacher Yang accepted this assignment and did his research. His conclusions were controversial, and frankly I don't know if I even agree with them. One thing I do know is--I don't give a crap where Satan came from. That has nothing to do with my salvation or the salvation of anyone. It's a freaking trivia question.

And yet somehow, the fact that Preacher Yang came up with the conclusions he did was used as a stick to beat him down. He was told to renounce his opinion publicly. He did not, and I'm guessing the reason wasn't so much the conviction of his beliefs as it was his own distaste and reaction to how authoritarian and autocratic the IA had become. Ironically, as a result the IA (again, in a move that is questionable from a procedural perspective) threw him out of the church.

I have my own theories of what really started all of this, but I'll keep quiet on that. Suffice it to say, I believe two things. First, that many of the people who made this decision really do believe in their heart of hearts that they were doing a service for God. And second, that they are blinded to the fact that that this verse which they have read and preached about hundreds of times is really speaking about them:

They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service.

Since Preacher Yang's ouster, I've heard rumors (mind you, never anything official in writing) of other charges leveled against Pr. Yang. Every last one I heard sounds like a trumped up charge. Our church believes, for example, based on the book of Acts that speaking in tongues is the evidence of receiving the promised Holy Spirit.

I'm not sure exactly what Pr. Yang said, but perhaps he said something to the effect that everyone who speaks in tongues does not necessarily have the promised Holy Spirit, or that some who do not speak in tongues may still have the Holy Spirit working through them. If that's the case, these are statements I agree with 100%. And not just me, but the Word of God does as well. And yet this was used as another "proof" that Preacher Yang is a heretic. Hearing people bring these "charges" against Pr. Yang for some reason reminded me of the false witnesses who spoke against Stephen. "This man incessantly speaks against this holy place and the Law". 

I was talking to someone who had attended a sermon once where the speaker was clearly "warning" the congregation about Preacher Yang, even though he was never mentioned by name. She said that she remembered one line in particular that the speaker said: "Don't be led astray by someone just because he practices love".

My jaw dropped when I heard this. This one line summarizes the depths to which some in this church have sunk. And this is the reason the church is in crisis. Because we're taught to tithe mint and cumin and neglect the weightier matters of the law.

We are taught to baptize with our heads bowed down, but in our lives we don't live with the sacrificial humility of Christ when his head bowed down in death. We pray in exuberant tongues but our sermons are devoid of even five words of true instruction. We are taught that foot washing is essential to salvation, and yet we cannot try to work to understand brothers we disagree nor treat them with love. We stress that we must partake of one bread during Holy Communion, and yet we cast away those in the body of Christ who don't conform to our liking. And we adhere to the Sabbath on the seventh day, but end up getting feeling exhausted physically, mentally, and spiritually at the end of every Saturday.

Am I denigrating the importance of the church's doctrines? Not at all. But as the Lord himself said, we should have practiced the latter without neglecting the former. The early workers in our church did, but something has since gone very wrong.

And because of this the church is in a crisis. Members are leaving in droves. The fastest way the church has grown in the last 20 years has been by having more babies. And and yet the church is not introspective. The finger is always pointed outward.

In my "day job" today I still build Web sites. In fact, thank God, despite by being branded a failure by the church, the Lord has blessed me to the point where today some of the largest companies in the world trust me to help them with their Web sites. As part of my job, companies come to me and ask me to help them figure out why their Web sites don't work. And I ask them a few questions. First, do you understand precisely what your users needs are? Second, does your company offer unique value that meets those needs better than any other out there? And third, can you articulate how your product or service addresses those needs in a way that users find relevant, approachable, and engaging? 

Why isn't the church asking those same questions? Of the people in your local community, why would they want to come to a church? Are there people who are lost and desperately looking for answers? Are there people who are stressed, or depressed, or angry, or sad, or sick, or without direction? Are there people dealing with addictions, or losses, or problems for whom the solution is the gospel of Jesus Christ?

The irony is that we all know that faith in Jesus Christ is the solution. Many of us have experienced the love, the forgiveness, the healing, the joy of following Jesus. How different this world would be if more people did? But sadly, as churches we end up scaring people away from the truth by layering on puffed-up knowledge, mores, and precepts. As quickly as our increasingly secular progressive society is trying to drive people away from Jesus Christ, our church leadership seems to do it even faster and more expeditiously.

To all church leaders, especially if your church purports to have "the truth", ask yourself this. Why is it that people don't come to your services and feel that those needs have been met? Why aren't they beating down your doors to get in because they can find things in your church that they can't find anywhere else, things like love, and kindness, and the deep, spiritual answers to their problems, and everything that is supposed to accompany the Holy Spirit?

Don't give me bull like "it's not their time" or "God has hardened their hearts so they can't see the truth". Look at your own churches from the eyes of a newcomer. When they walk into your doors, do they feel the love of Jesus Christ? Or do they see a whitewashed tomb of a church which outwardly looks fine--it opens its doors on time every week, it goes through the motions of having a sermon, hymn singing, and prayers every week, it has a nice building that's well maintained--but inside has no life?

If you're a member of the True Jesus Church and still don't know whom to believe about Pr. Yang, the rantings of the fool who wrote this blog post or the "Announce and Post" you see posted on your church's bulletin board, then I beg you to get on your knees right now and ask the Lord to lead you into the truth. Heck, maybe I am misguided. If so, this blog post like all my others will fade into obscurity.

But if something about this whole situation strikes you as not right, especially if you are in any kind of leadership position in the church, I will reiterate the words of Dietrich Boenhoffer. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act. If the Holy Spirit is compelling you, as he has me, to perceive that a great injustice has been made, stand up and say something. Do it in a constructive, loving, and gentle way. But you must speak, regardless of what happens next. You may be scolded. You may be insulted. You may be shunned or even kicked out yourself. But God will not hold you guiltless if you fail to speak.

I know that we belong to a church that at least at one point in its history was pleasing to God. I know because I've experienced for myself what it's like to enjoy heaven on earth in loving fellowship with brothers and sisters who live in unity. I've seen, heard and experienced miracles in my own life. At age 10 I experienced the greatest miracle of all that many of you have--experiencing what it's like to receive the promised Holy Spirit just as they did on the day of Pentecost.

But with recent events, I cannot see how God is pleased anymore. Not only because of what they did by excommunicating Preacher Yang, but more importantly how this action epitomizes what the church is becoming. I think of these statements and I fear too many of them touch too close to home.
  • You have taken away the key to knowledge.
  • You shut the door of the kingdom of heaven in people's faces.
  • You travel over land and sea to win a single convert, and when you have succeeded, you make them twice as much a child of hell as you are.
  • You strain out a gnat but swallow a camel.
  • You clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence.
  • You tithe mint and dill and cumin, and have neglected the weightier matters of the law: justice and mercy and faithfulness.
We like to preach that the three signs of the true church are the presence of the Holy Spirit, the complete gospel, and signs and miracles. That's become a mantra every church believer has memorized since childhood.

I know for a fact that the True Jesus Church had these three things in abundance in the early 20th century. I've heard enough accounts about the early church to know this. They preached the "five basic doctrines" but also lived their lives as reflections of what those doctrines stood for. They were filled with the power of the Spirit, not just in terms of how fluent they spoke in tongues but how the gifts of the Spirit were so clear in their lives. And signs and miracles were commonplace, not just an occasional story you hear from afar that everyone gloms onto as "proof" that God is still with us.

Fast forward to the True Jesus Church today. Does this describe us? I'll let you decide. And if you believe the answer to be no, then get on your knees and ask the Lord to show you what you can do to get her back on the straight and narrow path. I'll do the same. Because the body of Christ is not an organizational unit. It's not a building. It's not even the collection of only those people who go to church every week. It's all of us, everyone who has accepted Christ and has been baptized in His blood.

And if you're someone reading this who's felt disenfranchised, ostracized, disparaged, or condemned by the church organization then pray extra hard and ask God what part he wants you to play. Because you're that ignoble vessel that the good Lord just may just want to use.


  1. To keep it simple, everyone looks at the faults of each others in the church. No love, injustice, evil. We see all of these things with our eyes and feel like the church is corrupted. Though I do agree sin is among our members and satan works everyday. Those who question the church themselves are being used by satan. Go back to the fundamentals of our faith, did God create the universe? Was God there before time began and after it ended? We talk about things we see with our own eyes. Yet God perceives things we could not even imagine. When Jesus was arrested, Peter cut off the ear of the Roman guard. Peter was right to defend Jesus, but what did Jesus say? When the crowd mocked him at his crucifixion was it not in His power to come down with the wrath of heaven and earth?

    My point is, all of these injustice we see and problems in the church. We try to point it out and seek our own human justice of what we feel is right. Are we sinless? What if God judges us right now for our sins the way we judge the church. All of these things we see with our eyes in the church, why do we not kneel down and pray to God for mercy. Why don't we encourage one another.

    I've met both Pr. Yang and his brother when he was still a Pr. and I have heard them both speak. If the church is wrong in what they did God will know. God will punish accordingly and reward him accordingly. Why do we have to pass our judgement and try to write and wrong that is not for us to do.

    Reflect on your faith, we say we are Christians but we believe God is powerless

    1. You just told the watchman to shut up.

    2. So basically kick back and watch the show you mean?

    3. Hey Chong, your passive attitude is exactly the reason why the corruption in the TJC is festering rapidly. I resonate with Steve in that my faith in the TJC began to crumble when I started to do work for the IA and GA. When you are up and close to the power structure (ie. authority + $), you realize that the TJC is but another source of income for many who benefit directly from it. Key stakeholders of the GA and IA want members to look the other way so they can have carte blanche to do as they wish. Once you start to think outside of the box they tried to mold you in, and look at TJC from the outside using a common sense of moral and decency, you'll be shocked at the greed and manipulation that is now deeply rooted at the core. I don't mean to be so negative. But like Steve, I too got to see the ugly side of GA and IA from within...and it falls far below the business ethics of an average secular corporation for profit. To be fair, the TJC is not alone. Many organized religious organizations have fell into the same trappings, using religion as a shield to cover up acts of greed and manipulation. The behavior of some of the TJC leaders and other leaders in organized religion have actually made me become more agnostic. If these religious leaders truly believe that God is as powerful and almighty as the one they preach, they would not have done half of the manipulative shady practices they do regularly. Take away their cloak of religiosity for a second, and you'll see that many of the TJC leaders fail to meet even the basic sense of good citizenry in the secular society. It was not easy for me to walk away from the TJC. The decision damaged relationships with immediate family members, close relatives, and former brothers and sisters whom I considered good friends. It was painful to cut off so many ties that I have maintained for a life time. Since I left the church, even my own sibling has maintained a safe distance from me and my children because we are now heretics, even worst than gentiles. My children are discouraged from visiting her/his because we are no longer TJC members. It is a hard pill to swallow in deed. But it was probably the best decision I made for myself and my family. I am now free from the tunnel vision and manipulation of the TJC management. Mr. Kenneth Chong, if you truly care about the TJC, you need to get close to the root of the problem and see it for yourself, and figure out how to fix it. Attending services, praying, and keeping it to yourself inside is not going to do any good for anyone. In fact, your type of passive behavior is what emboldens the power players whom have took over the organization. This is the reason why they only want obedient members for the NCC, i.e. those who will obey the word of God according to their interpretation, or those who have been indoctrinated by them. Take away the religious verbosity and it will be clear to you that the TJC has become an income producing entity fiercely guarded by interested stakeholders. YM Yang and his brother were viewed as threats to the money maker and were promptly eliminated. It is not pretty, but it is what it is.

    4. As I said in my post, I don't have any issues with most of the ministers I know personally. Some of them, especially the younger ministers, have sacrificed careers where they could have easily made six-figure salaries or more but now make barely a living wage. They deserve our respect and our love, and they do not deserve for us to conflate problems with the organization with them personally.

      So I'm not going to go as far and condemn all of them. The only thing I would ask any of them is to not do as I did when I saw the deacon scolding the brother in the GA meeting, where like everyone else in the room turned away and said nothing. Don't stay silent if you see negative forces or corruption creeping in. Don't think that "God will take care of it". If God is opening your eyes to see it, He is calling you to do something about it.

      At least that's my opinion.

    5. I agree that the majority of the pastors in TJC GA have good intentions to serve the church and have made great sacrifices in doing so. To be clear, I am not condemning anyone, not even the leaders who act shady and manipulative in order to protect their interests, be it authority or control over resources. I am in no position to condemn or judge anyone. What I am saying is that at the core of GA and IA, the TJC has been operating like any other secular entity, with key stakeholders aggressively protecting their interests by doing all of the stuff Steve talked about in his article, and some more. I feel that such underhanded moves are far below secular business ethnics, but this is only my personal opinion. The prayers in tongue and the bible sermons, especially those long sermons where the preacher just quote different biblical verses nonstop with no explanation or analysis, eventually became a monotonous affair for me. Often, I would see the same individuals who stood preaching his heart out during Sabbath, would return to work the following week acting no less cut-throat, shrewd, and competitive than his secular counterparts at work. I am not saying that it is wrong or immoral to be clever and aggressive to seek wealth and social status, as most “successful people” behave this way in America and elsewhere. But let's be honest and not kid ourselves by calling ourselves "righteous by faith." Simply because we follow the TJC doctrines in form, we can be deemed righteous and go to haven, automatically! My conscience tells me that the message of Christ is far deeper than this. Obviously the TJC works well in its current form for many of the people who regularly attends it, and that's fine. My own family members defend the TJC and its ways fiercely, and this is a taboo topic in the family. In reality, there is absolutely nothing wrong with meeting the demand of the congregation by providing the services/message needed to placate them. But TJC members should realize that over time, the GA and the IA have been managed pretty much like a secular organization, under the pretense that it is not. If it was Sears, Walmart, or Toyota, it’s business as usual and such practices are expected and accepted. But measuring the TJC management using the same biblical standard as preached from the podium, the organization appears to be sick and has fallen far short of biblical standards. Since my departure, I have been freed to explore other ideas and theories, such as historical facts and science behind the scriptures, stories, people, and places in the Bible. The application of reason and common sense to my investigation of the scriptures has been immensely insightful. Freedom from the narrow interpretations espoused by conservative TJC leaders has been no less than uplifting. I gained a sense of clarity in my pursuit of the truth, since I was no longer pretending or keeping any secrets inside. I am asking questions now, lots of them, and can really dig into the evidence and to find facts behind the scriptures. This freedom came at a heavy price, but I would do it again in a heartbeat. Steve, thank you for this opportunity to express these thoughts. Being ostracized and shunned by my own family is unpleasant, especially when it is done in the name of religion. I am glad that you have the courage to be the first one to speak up (after the YM incident). Hopefully you will not be the last. BTW, do tread carefully because you will be a target for the stakeholders who perceive this blog as a threat to the status quo. Best wishes.

  2. Great post! it will not change the fact that the TJC is on the decline and continues to struggle for relevancy in this age of science and reasoning. Your honesty is a refreshing change from the typical style of the GA and IA, which is to sweep all problems under the carpet until the fire is burning down the house.

  3. There is not one prayer I have that is tearless. I used to think I was alone in this spiritual battle, I am relieved to see that I am not alone. I can only pray that the church is inwardly perfect in love, not rightfulness like the proud Pharisees when He comes for her. I've leaped from one TJC to another in various countries, hoping that this is it; this is where I will finally belong. Yet, condemning still overrules love and forgiveness. I remember one holy communion service when the elder insisted negatively that whoever that knows he isn't actively with sin, and he repeated this many times, do not partake in the holy communion. I think this is a very self-conscious,private matter with God Himself. But because the elder has stressed it over and over again, it cant be helped that everyone started looking who declined the communion meal. I prayed with tears as I mourn for the shame that was brought on my brethrens. When I asked the elder after the service, why did he have to stress the matter and shame the believers, he said it is through this they will "know their place". What does that even mean?

  4. Hi Steve. If this is the beginning of a Revolution within the truth, maybe God be with you. Wish you bravery and vigilance.

  5. Hi Steve. Wish you bravery and vigilance. If this is the beginning of a revolution within the truth, may God be with you. What exactly are you trying to achieve for starting this blog? How to reform without division?

    1. When I read your question, the one answer that popped into my head was, "I am the voice of one crying out in the wilderness, 'Make straight the paths for our Lord.'" Having said that, I would just as soon not have my head chopped off, thank you very much.

      We don't need a revolution for the truth--that already happened 1,982 years ago. What we do need to do is to humble ourselves, pray and seek his face, and turn from our wicked ways. And we need for our brothers to live in unity.

  6. I thank you for sharing your testimony. Too bad I didn't get to read this or know this sooner. Too bad I didn't notice this situation and acknowlege it sooner. Your testimony is very edifying to me.

  7. You don't not wish others to silence you and you silenced my comment!!! Bravo! Don't act as if all high and mighty if you cant take others comments!!!

    1. Please change your username and keep your comments, as it says in Colossians 4:6, to be "full of grace and seasoned with salt", and I'll certainly consider it. Bitter sarcasm, comparisons of the church to ISIS, profanity, and ad hominem attacks against those you disagree with are not helpful to the conversation.

      Sorry if you disagree, but these are the ground rules on this blog. If you disagree, or is available for you to start your own.

  8. @ Steve: Is my name pleasant enough for your standards?

    Below are my comments posted earlier, before Ken Chong's comments:

    Why the church teach members to look for spouse within the church but member can look outside (ie. Missionary Dating: dating a non-church member to convert him/her)?

    I have seen preacher's children, deacon's children, religious eduction teachers breaking the above doctrine allow to marry in church without anyone stopping them. Why is there such a doctrine or rule in the first place if no one belief or practise it?

    What is the Truth? Injustice!!!!!!!!!


    Thanks Steve for my comments posting. Thank U!

    1. Close enough :)

      Thanks for your comment. Marrying an "unbeliever" is a very important topic for me, and one I absolutely intend to post something about at some point soon. Like I said in my latest post, I just need a little break. But rest assured, we will discuss it. God bless you!

    2. The higher you are in the pyramid, the more authorities being bestowed upon. Can you be the salt and light?

      IA of TJC has at least US$1.0 billions valued in tangible assets in church buildings in Taiwan because of the Taiwan's Tax Law and unknown amount of cash also from Taiwan TJC churches. Taiwan Tax Laws categorized each local church belongs to GA Taiwan and GA Taiwan belongs to IA of TJC. There are about 400 church buildings in Taiwan. The US$1.0 billion is a very low number. The Tax Law in USA is very different from Taiwan. Each church in USA belongs to local community.

      Spending monies is very easy in IA TJC. It is very tempting to join the elicit representative of IA. Pr. YM Yang was querying the African French-speaking ministry of accounting in the IA delegate conference in Seoul. Before the accounting agenda was present, Yang was sequester to leave the conference and another agenda was presented to suspend Yang as a Preacher. About one year later, IA accounting reported that Yang over-spent by US$100,000.00 (one hundred thousand) in African French-speaking ministry. I don't remember the exact amount of the fund; Manna has a short few liners report of this fund. This bring up a question of internal and external auditors were performing their jobs?

      In fact, the Preachers of USA TJC are very well paid. With all the allowances, free automobile, and base salary and Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) adjustment, they received are in the 80s to 90s K a year. They received COLA yearly. I have not received any salary adjustment for the last 3 years; every year the health insurance premium increased by 5%. Preachers in Taiwan has pension plan.

  9. Hello Steve:
    Name for your daughter?

  10. why dont you just pray about it lol no need to waste your time God will help the church not you.

  11. I would like to help out Preacher Yang, if he needs, financially, if he was excommunicated for saying that not everyone has the promised holy spirit with the gift of the prayer of the tongue. I do not want him to be a victim of TJC for stating the truth. My e-mail address is

    1. As far as I know there are two ways, at least for those in the United States.

      The most direct is to contact the True Jesus Church in Paris directly. They can be reached via postal mail at Véritable Jésus Eglise de Paris, 1 Rue des Pinsons, 77420 Champs sur Marne, France.

      The way I like to donate is through the Lily of the Valley Community Outreach ( Just go to the "Support" information on their site to find out how. Be sure to request the portion of your donation that you'd like to go to support YM Yang's continuing ministry.

      The nice thing about going through LOTV is that they're a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit, meaning that whatever you donate through them is tax deductible if you're in the United States. LOTV does a lot of other great things for the Dallas community in Christ's name, so what I like to do is take the "savings" and pass it on to any of the other great causes they're supporting.

  12. IRefuse, you are very generous.

    If you could read Mandarin and if you reside outside of USA, please look for the April 2015 IA TJC World Conference meeting minutes to proposal 4, 6, and 7.

    1. Please read this
      at the introduction and 2. YM Yang’s Excommunication that pertain to this thread.
      The rest are for your leisure readings.

      I expected retribution from TJC Administration when I saw Alert S Chen's blog back then.
      That day comes.

      My takes in this screenings are:
      1. TJC Administration showed authoritative power of what, when, who, which, etc can or cannot be said. If TJC Administration do well, TJC Administration will be praised.
      2. To 20-something years old adult, Albert, presented his beliefs by sharing his feedback that were presented by the official TJC ordained workers. Why were the feedback deemed inappropriate to be shared?
      3. I feel sad...
      4. too many to list...

  13. I am TJC Sabah... for me it not good to blog the internal church problem. Just pray... evil will never surrender to looking ur weakness.

    1. "Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. It is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. But everything exposed by the light becomes visible—and everything that is illuminated becomes a light."

    2. The truth need to be known and it will set you free!!

    3. The simple reason the TJC has problems is that its core doctrine is wrong and thus the Only Son of God is not looking after this Church.The Church is based on a man made doctrine that Jesus is God and the Creator of all.What do you expect when a Church denies Jesus as the Only Son of God and in doing so denies that God Himself sent His Only Son to us as a sacrifice for our sins.This Church like many others does not have God Himself,nor His Son Jesus nor the Holy Spirit.This Church like the many others teach and preach the Only Son of God but believes that the Only Son of God to be a God the Son,an Eternal Son,only a Mighty Man,only a Prophet,only a Mighty Spirit etc,etc,teaching and preaching like this is called deception.All one has to do is to put the Scriptures about the Only Son of God above the other so called Scriptures that contradict these Scriptures and not the other way around.Believe in the Only,True and the Divine Son of God,whom God Himself sent,which is the True Gospel,the one the Apostles always taught.

  14. May our lord Jesus Christ bless you all. I must appreciate all of you for sharing your testimonies. Am not here to judge anyone or point a finger but rather wish to share my opinion.
    A problem solved while inside the house is better handled than when out of the house, simply because you will be forced to shout, scrim or use all kinds of approach to handle it, not forgetting that you will have exposed all your weaknesses even to your worst enemies surrounding you. I wish those in leadership would stand for the truth while in it, other than waiting to touch on it when out of office. we need to be very honest to ourselves.
    Satan is using very fundamental factors to destroy the children of God. POWER,MONEY and SEX. These are things that live among us that if not carefully handled, one may realize when already crawling in Satans den.
    The only work we are left to do as children of God is to ask for his direction in everything.A leader who wants to exalt money from church members should not be your burden. God knows our hurts and he will for sure judge us according to our deeds.Our inner heart belongs to God and there is nothing we can hide from him. You may dominate power in church but before God you are a simple empty vessel.
    As children of God, let us embrace all the virtues spoken about in the bible. Live for God and not for Man and always try to be at peace with God and man.
    Be blessed

  15. Steve what is your last name? Pray to God , God will guide you Thanks for express your opinion. from Maria

  16. Reveal yourself, look at the mirror of your own image.
    before criticising others.
    If you are right, pray for others as vengeance is on God. If you are wrong then repent.

    1. I looked in the mirror of my own image many, many times on this subject and I have prayed over it. I continue to stand behind every word I wrote. My conscience is clear.

      Is yours?

  17. I don't know why it has taken me this long to find this lengthy article you wrote Steve. Sorry about that, cause I would of given you moral support for your efforts earlier for sure.

    My biggest beef with our church leaders is that they gather together and make decision by committee, and then calls it the decision of the entire TJC church. I'll pass on bad mouthing our church leaders regarding my experience from being on church board and as a NCC delegate, because I already called them out. I believe in letting God judge them, because I'm not even sure they know what they've done wrong, seriously.

    All I know is the Chinese culture permeates this TJC organization. Silence is golden for these people, and when they should speak up to defend the weak, the helpless and the poor, I don't see them within miles.

    Matt 18:15-17 says it best, but I don't think traditional Chinese members can comprehend what Jesus is trying to teach. Oh mine, embarrass someone in front of congregation???!! How will that save the "face" for the family. LOL. But it clearly states that's how we should deal with sin in the church. If someone is clearly accused of wrong doing. don't bury it, bring the charges up in front of the congregation, let the whole church decide through the Spirit. Let's hear both sides. Instead, in injustice in Pastor Yang's case went straight to a committee, and then another committee of deacons and elders and pastors. It reminds me of Jesus being judged by all them teachers of the law, scribes and priests. Yes, let God judge and we go do what we need to do. But do speak up and do something about it is my motto. Just by chance I saw this today from an email:
    "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke

    God bless you all and keep the faith. love you Steve!!
    Dave Lo

  18. Steve. You don't have to respond to these people who are blinded by the Truth and only believe in the mouth of men. In

    Timothy 2:23-24. 23
    Don’t have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they produce quarrels. 24 And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful.

    If we are with God we should also act Christ-like. Not respond and argue with our mouth but with the powerful word of God which are the scriptures in our Bible, I believe it is the Devil speak through them. Satan was once an Angel so he can act in the Angel of light. 2 Corinthians 11:14

    In Matthew 7:21-23 God says christian who use in Jesus name doesn't mean they are fully following God alas he say "I never knew you"

    21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ 23 And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.

    So Steve, reading your post it shows how your not proud and selfish how other Christian are acting, when they tell you to keep quiet. It's the Devil telling you through them to stop. It's good you are uncertain because being certain on things is ok but we have to be careful because the choices bcs not all spirit we think can be trusted 1 John 4:1 but it is still good cz you keep thirsting for answers.

    Continue finding answers. All are in the Bible. Not every pastor's have the answers only the Bible.
